Andrea Arnold (Fish Tank, American Honey) focuses on life in working-class England, where 12-year-old Bailey seeks to escape from her tumultuous life through a friendship with a mysterious stranger. Seamlessly moving between social and magical realism, Bird is a tender fairytale of broken spirits searching for one another in a baffling and hostile world.
The post screening discussion will be hosted by Lillian Crawford of Stims Collective.
Director: Andrea Arnold
Production Company: House Productions
Producers: Lee Groombridge, Tessa Ross, Juliette Howell
Written by: Andrea Arnold
Nykiya Adams (Bailey)
Franz Rogowski (Bird)
Barry Keoghan (Bug)
UK-France-USA 2024
119 mins
Contains distressing scenes of domestic violence
Screening with Audio Description and presented with additional Descriptive Subtitles of non-dialogue audio
We welcome your feedback on this screening.
BFI Southbank has been awarded the National Autistic Society’s Autism Friendly Award.
The next relaxed screening is:
A SUDDEN GLIMPSE TO DEEPER THINGS + discussion hosted by Benjamin Brown and Sam Chown Ahern of Neurocultures Collective
Wednesday 18 December 18:20 NFT3
Find out more at
Relaxed Screenings
Screenings for neurodivergent audiences, with their companions and assistants.
• Customers can select their seats when they arrive in the auditorium.
• Please leave space between yourself and other groups and retain your selected seats for the duration of the performance if possible.
• We support you wearing a face covering if you choose to do so.
• You are welcome to take refreshments into the auditorium but no hot food please.
• Doors will open 30 minutes before the screening.
• No trailers will be shown.
• The programme will be introduced.
• Our house lights will remain on a low level throughout the screening, and the volume will be turned slightly down.
• You will be able to leave the auditorium and return during the screening.
• There will be a quiet space to use if you need to leave the auditorium.
• We understand you may make some noise.
• Please ask us if you need help.